Rest In Peace sweet Robbie
CEA DNA tested normal (clear)
In England he has sired 5 lovely litters - the puppies doing well in the breedring, flyball, obedience and agility.
When Robbie came to Denmark he started agility, herding, obedience and HTM and he has made his presence felt in the Danish show scene. Robbie's absolute favourite job is working sheep. He has trained regularly since December 2001. He has a keen instinct and is good at "reading" the sheep and predicting what they are going to do. At the Border Collie Club National on the 27th July 2002 he had his trial debut. He passed the FCI working test for Border Collies and was the reserve winner. The next day was a new trial. Again he passed, this time with an honourable 3rd place. In total for both days he finished 3rd... Robbie was shown at an International FCI Show in Poland on the 21st of June 2003. He won BOB and gained his 3rd CACIB. As he already is a Danish Show Champion and has also passed his working test - he is now an International Champion. Robbie was the first male Border Collie in Denmark with the title. Robbie finished his Club Champion title on the 19th of August 2006 when he was BOS at the Border Collie Nationals under judge Toni Jackson (England) Robbie's main job is Heelwork To Music/Freestyle. He has competed successfully since the Danish Kennel Club approved Heelwork To Music as an official sport. He has qualified for HTM and Freestyle class 3 (Advanced) and in December 2007 he gained the title Danish Freestyle Champion and 6 mth later he finished his HTM Champion title too. In 2001 he passed the AKC Canine Good Citizen Award and in 2006 he gained his first obedience title LP1. Eye tested clear at 6 weeks. Hip score: A - B (Denmark) or 4 - 5 (England). - CAC winner in Denmark (Danish Show Champion), Germany and Poland. Robbie has a mild and sweet natured temperament. He is a truly wonderful dog.